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Marijuana Addiction Treatment

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Take the first step toward addiction treatment by contacting us today.

a man receives help from a marijuana addiction treatment programIn the United States, marijuana is the most commonly used illicit substance. The use of the drug is widespread among young people, and research finds the earlier a person uses marijuana, the more likely they are to develop dependence and become addicted. Marijuana addiction is possible when a person struggles to stop using it, even though it causes problems in their life. If you or someone you love suffers from a dependence on cannabis, our marijuana addiction treatment program can help. Call 844.470.0410 today to learn more about our substance abuse treatment programs. 

What Is Marijuana?

Marijuana is the dried flower, stems, or leaves from the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica plants. Both plants contain the powerful, mind-bending chemical delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. The psychoactive and euphoric effects of marijuana use have the potential for use and addiction.

While marijuana has proven helpful in treating medical symptoms like pain, inflammation, muscle control, and more, it’s still considered an illegal controlled substance on a federal level. But, as more medical and recreational marijuana shops open across the country, more people will have access to a variety of forms and potencies of marijuana.

  • Eating edibles, like brownies, gummies, cookies, or candy
  • Eating or smoking marijuana extracts, or potent THC-rich resins (hash oil, honey oil, wax, or shatter)
  • Orally ingesting cannabis capsules
  • Smoking the dried flower in pipes, bongs, or rolling papers
  • Sublingual (under the tongue) THC tinctures, or adding it to food or drink

More research is needed to determine the exact consequences of long-term marijuana use. However, prolonged use can lead to negative effects, especially if regular use begins at a young age.

Teen Marijuana Use

Many teenagers believe marijuana is harmless because it’s natural, but this thinking is flawed. After all, other harmful, illicit substances come from natural plant sources, like cocaine and heroin. Still, over 70 percent of high school students view smoking marijuana as harmless.

If a person smokes marijuana as a teen, it can lead to problems with learning, concentrating, and studying. Furthermore, teen brains are still developing, and smoking marijuana can stunt development, lower IQ, decrease motivation and prevent a person from reaching their full potential. We offer an adolescent addiction treatment program that helps teens who are addicted to marijuana and other substances.

Health Risks of Marijuana Use

When people use marijuana at a young age, they may unknowingly subject themselves to several hidden health risks. The potentially harmful physical effects of marijuana use can include:

  • Increased heart rate
  • Increased risk of developing mental illness
  • Problems with child development during and after pregnancy
  • Respiratory (lung and breathing) problems

Marijuana also impairs a number of skills involved with driving, like alertness, coordination, concentration, and reaction time. Distances and sounds may be misjudged when someone is high on marijuana, increasing the risk of injury to themselves or others.

Signs and Symptoms of Marijuana Use

After smoking marijuana, THC quickly passes through the bloodstream and into the brain, producing an intense, psychoactive high. Marijuana that is eaten is ingested slowly through the body and takes longer to kick in, around 30 minutes to an hour, with effects lasting for several hours.

Marijuana stimulates areas of the brain that influence memory, sensory and time perception, coordinated movement, thinking, and pleasure. The drug stimulates the brain’s reward center by releasing a chemical called dopamine. This surge of dopamine is what creates the high.

The effects of marijuana can cause a person to show the following signs and symptoms of use:

  • Difficulty thinking and problem-solving
  • Impaired body movement
  • Increased appetite
  • Mood changes
  • Memory problems
  • Paranoia
  • Red or glassy eyes
  • Trouble speaking or communicating

Marijuana use becomes a problem when people make using it their top priority. They may neglect responsibilities at home, work, or school in favor of using or obtaining marijuana. They may come home smelling like marijuana smoke, take too long to respond to text messages or phone calls, own various marijuana paraphernalia and appear absent-minded or distant when around family and friends. 

Is Marijuana Addictive?

One in 11 people who use marijuana develop an addiction. Data suggests that 30 percent of people using marijuana suffer from a marijuana use disorder. In 2015, around four million people met the criteria for a marijuana use disorder, which becomes an addiction when using drugs interferes with daily living.

Those who use marijuana before the age of 18 are likely to develop a dependence on marijuana, leading to addiction. Dependence means a person will experience withdrawal symptoms when they are not smoking or ingesting marijuana.

Symptoms of marijuana withdrawal include:

  • Anxiety
  • Decreased appetite
  • Intense drug cravings
  • Irritability
  • Mood and sleep difficulties
  • Physical discomfort
  • Restlessness

Withdrawal symptoms can last for several days or weeks after the last use. Relapse is common during the weeks after stopping, as people are likely to succumb to marijuana cravings to reduce any unpleasant symptoms. Although marijuana withdrawal symptoms are mild compared to other drugs, treating marijuana dependence and addiction can prevent further use and work to change addictive behaviors.

Seek Treatment at Vertava Health Today

Behavioral therapy is the most common form of addiction treatment and works to change a person’s thinking and attitudes towards drugs. Effective behavioral therapy for treating a marijuana use disorder includes motivational interviewing, which motivates people to change behaviors and rewards them for stopping use.

If use is severe or puts the person or others at harm, our inpatient marijuana rehab center may be best. As an alternative to inpatient care, you can travel daily or weekly to receive outpatient treatment. All of our inpatient and outpatient treatment plans are tailored to the specific needs of each individual. Therefore, weighing inpatient vs. outpatient addiction treatment should be based on your unique situation. Contact Vertava Health at 844.470.0410 today for more information about our marijuana addiction treatment program.